A photograph from one of the Trinity Fitness 4 Life classes taught on a Saturday afternoon.

In 2020, Wholly Power Productions expanded its reach to include the literary world. The three-part “Good Regardless” series delves into the life of Aisha, a young woman who is a nurse and metaphysician, determined to figure life out with the love and support of God and her loved ones. Book three, not yet released, follows the life of Aisha’s mother, also a nurse and metaphysician, but with an entirely different life she must figure out for herself.​

Who we are

About the Author and Creator of Wholly Power Productions


Andrea Hall-Miller, also known as Betty Andrea Hall, resides in the Northern California Wine Country amongst many family, friends and loved ones. Having written many poems, short stories, theses and dissertations, Andrea had long dreamed of publishing works of fiction highlighting what she is most passionate about: God, Love, Metaphysics, Nursing,

Relationships, Emotional Growth and Nature.


Her passion for writing was sparked by spending hours at a time on the top bunk of her identical twin sisters’ beds. She read their stories eagerly, awaiting each page as they unfurled from the typewriter and were handed to her. Inspired to write by the two who planted and watered the seeds of her creativity, Andrea’s first published works of fiction are dedicated to Brenda Joanne and Lynda Diane Hall.

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Wholly Power Productions


Andrea Hall is “The Lit Nurse” of Wholly Power Productions. A nurse, metaphysician, and ordained minister, she specializes in caring for the creative aspects of your mind, body, and spirit. As an educator, HeartMath trainer, Caritas Coach, and author, she uses the power of the written word to enlighten, educate, and entertain.​


Literary Services Offered:

Author of the “Good Regardless” works of fiction

Freelance Writer: I create literary works on topics of your choice

Editor: I edit your books, papers, articles, etc.

Educator: I present various workshops for teens and adults

Speaker: I present an array of topics, such as metaphysics, spirituality, nursing, health, and HeartMath

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Want to book me for a book signing or other opportunities? Use the form to the right.

Aisha maintains a close relationship with her identical twin sister, despite her twin's untimely transition from the physical into the spiritual world. Although this phenomenon sets her apart from others, she manages to establish unbreakable bonds with those who mean the most to her. Challenges from outside forces, including a jealous colleague and a perilous relationship, threaten the sanctity of her fairy tale marriage and the bond between their closest friends. Standing firm in her Oneness with God and the support of loved ones, Aisha fights to maintain her sanity and the life she created for herself, but will she have the strength and fortitude to remain good, regardless?

Aisha knows she’s blessed. She has her faith, her man, her family… What more could she
possibly ask for? She doesn’t need anything more out of life, except maybe a few days off work. No big wedding, no big changes; she’s good.
Regardless, she should know better by now: God always has a plan, and he’s not done with her yet. Aisha has learned to trust—both in God and in herself—but is she ready and able to let go enough to trust the wonderful people He has brought to her life?
Andrea Hall-Miller invites you to experience the next chapter in Aisha’s story as she learns to
give herself grace, share her burdens, and create the life she was always meant to live, despite her initial resistance. Aisha's story is more than what happens after ‘happily ever after’; it’s a reminder that life rolls on, and we can either resist the changes, or learn to trust in the process and the people who’ve made their way into our hearts.​

Wholly Power productions was formed in 2011. Its primary focus was on fitness of the mind, body, and spirit. Programs, including one-on-one and group coaching were directed toward improving health and well-being on all aspects of the mind, body, and spirit. The company’s physical fitness group, Trinity Fitness 4 Life, was created to empower clients and help them to achieve their optimal level of physical fitness.​


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